Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Diabetic and Health Insurance

What is a diabetic supposed to do for health insurance?

The following is a list of options that a diabetic can follow in their pursuit to find health insurance:

1. Look at your employer. Many group health insurers will take people that cannot find health insurance elsewhere. Why is that? Many group health insurers understand and calculate the potential for having a percentage of the employees in a company who are not able to obtain health insurance on their own. This is the primary reason that most group health insurance policies are costly for employers.

2. Do your homework. Shop around. There are plans out there, but you really need to look. If your employer does not offer health insurance there are additional avenues that you can explore. This leads us to number three.

3. Be upfront when talking to an insurance agent. Many times a good agent will have a program for people that are hard to cover due to health complications. For instance I currently have two carriers that I use to help people get coverage.

Additionally, when you sign a health insurance application for coverage you are attesting that the answers that you gave are true and correct. Please understand that if you intentionally misrepresent yourself on an application you can, in the very least, be denied coverage for falsifying an application. I have even seen insurance companies revoke a policy because someone was untruthful on an application.

4. Realize that there is going to be a pre-existing waiting period. I have yet to find one insurance company that will waive the pre-existing waiting period for a diabetic. Please understand that most health insurance companies treat diabetes as an uninsurable condition, and because of that, most insurance companies will deny coverage to new applicants who have been diagnosed as a diabetic.

Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with diabetes and you have found a health insurance company that will insure diabetics, then please recognize that there will, most likely, be a pre-existing condition clause or rider attached.

5. Understand that insurance will be expensive. In all my years as a health insurance professional, I have found that the people with the lowest premiums are the younger healthier people. The converse is equally true. The premiums that are the highest are paid by the people with pre-existing conditions.

Contact me and let me help you find the coverage that is right for you.


1 comment:

bestonline323 said...

5. Understand that insurance will be expensive.

Well,Since the loss of my company insurance, I now realize my out of pocket costs. Two of my medications Norvasc and Buspar cost over $400. I began a long and tiring search on the internet for any program that could cut this cost. I found out a disgusting fact, that they could only save me on an average of 3-6%, and one had the audacity to charge a $100 membership for this. I signed up with your program, and got on the phone with the pharmacies to see if it would really work! The program saved me $72.86 today. This will approximately save me $220 this year.


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