Saturday, May 26, 2007

Memorial Day

I'll admit it this holiday is one of my favorites. The reasons are many. Cookouts, family, spending time relaxing, and others that I could name, but the real reason that I enjoy this holiday is because of why it was created in the first place.

Memorial Day, to me, is a day of thanks. I am grateful to the thousands of men and women who have laid down their life, so that, I can live mine freely. I am grateful to the hundreds of thousands of men and women that are now standing in the gap to continue to protect my freedoms and, if necessary, die so that my children will continue to have those freedoms.

On this coming Memorial Day, I encourage you to do as I do. Take a moment and reflect on how blessed we really are to be in this great country, and thank God for the brave men and women who continue to protect us.

Warmest regards,


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